- We are technical and commercial representatives for the entire line of products produced by Simtech. (Belgium)
- We do maintenance work and repair of transportable collapsible Aero tanks. Simtech designs and manufactures elements with rubber / PVC compounds and coated by fabrics used for fluid storage.
- Defense.
What products do we commercialize?
- Flexible tanks for storage or transport.
- Collapsible airborne tanks (Rolling Tanks).
- Pilow Tank.
- Fuel tanks for various land, air and sea vehicles.
- Fuel bladders.
- Filling valves.

Flexible tanks
For storage or transportationFlexible tanks
For storage or transportation
Flexible tanks
For storage or transportationFlexible tanks
For storage or transportation
Roliing Tanks
Roliing Tanks

Flexible tanks
Storage or TransportationFlexible tanks
Storage or Transportation
Flexible tanks
Storage or TransportationFlexible tanks
Storage or Transportation
Rolling Tank
Rolling Tank

Fuel tanks
Land, air and sea vehiclesFuel tanks
Land, air and sea vehicles
Fuel bladders
Fuel bladders

Fuel tanks
Air vehiclesFuel tanks
Air vehicles
Flexible tanks
Storage or TransportationFlexible tanks
Storage or Transportation
Filling valves
Filling valves

Pilow Tank
Pilow Tank

Flexible tanks for transportation
Flexible tanks for transportation

Pilow Tank
Pilow Tank

Filling valves
Filling valves

Roliing Tanks
Roliing Tanks

Pilow Tank
Pilow Tank

Flexible tanks for transportation
Flexible tanks for transportation